Tuesday, September 1, 2009

an average day

this one is for the whiny bi*ch's like Norton who want to know every detail about my life out here and wont stop pestering me about it. An average day looks a little something like this;

(Note, day reflects working a 2-9 pm shift)

7 - wake up but feel absolutely no drive to get out of bed... after all what would i do anyway everyone else is either working or sleeping and its to hot to go outside.

10-11 - actually decide to get out of bed and shower... at which point i will either burn myself with the water because it is WAY to hot or take a cold shower because i cant seem to find a happy medium.

11:30 - Have a bowl of cereal, most likely be depressed as i eat it because it's not the same as American cereal.

12 - either watch TV, watch a movie on my computer or stalk people on facebook (don't act like you don't do it too)

1:45 - a driver for the family will pick me up and bring me to the Palace. its not as glamorous as you might think. though the palace is amazing and worth more money than i will ever make in my life, i only get to see his bedroom, and work area. I also get to eat in his dining room. He basically has his own suite. the rest of the Palace is off limits and i might lose an arm if i ventured out to look at it. at the very least i would lose my job...

During my shift with him, we might go to a golf, tennis, basketball or piano lesson. only one will be scheduled per day but i have had the pleasure of going to all of them. He is really good at piano, he doesn't need sheet music either, he can listen to a song and figure it out on his own. really impressive, especially to someone like me who couldn't play 2 bars of happy birthday after a semester of piano class.

Otherwise while working we will do academic work for his school (9th grade) he has a physics book and i feel like i am getting smarter just by working with him in all of his classes. I bet it would have been a good idea to pay attention in High School.

Dinner is between 7:30 and 8 and once we are finished he gets ready for bed and i go home.

9:30 - depending on the day of the week i might have the driver drop me off at a different location. for example the Royal Meridian Hotel where they have a place called PJ's generally Tim will text me and say "you are going to meet us at____. and i am pretty much suckered into spending the night consuming adult beverages and watching either soccer, tennis or cricket. its a dreadful time...

God knows when i will be home, but if i am not working the next day it will most likely be fairly late. also since i am about 8 hours ahead of you all, when i get home i like to make contact with Rachel since i don't get to see her... i will also very shortly be calling and/or email dad, because i have not talked to him in a while.
That's all for now
There can be only one

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So It is now the Month of Ramadan in the UAE. What does this mean? you ask. it means that all Muslims fast all day until the "iftar" which is basically the only time they can eat it means "breaking of the fast". what does this mean for non Muslims? well, basically it means we cannot eat or drink anything in public... if a Muslim is within sight of you, you may not eat anything or drink anything, this includes water. . . in 108 degree weather. What else does this mean? Bars do not play music. for one freaking month. go to a bar around 11 pm in the states and ask them to turn off the music for a while and see how awkward it is. This also means that businesses are only open specific hours during the day. mainly we do not like the bar issue. ohh well. the good news is that it ends sometime mid-late September, which is very close to my birthday! so when the drinking is fun again, we are going to be psyched!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Island

Hey folks,
Just a quick update about my latest shift with K. we went to their island, which is fairly small but with enough room for a compound of little bungalows and a kitchen and formal "hat room" yeah i know,.. that's weird. there were like 200 hats or something like that. on the island they have a couple boats and jet skis and all sorts of fun toys. we went tubing and jet skiing and had a blast. i wish i could have taken pictures but i didn't really want to take my camera on a jet ski. this coming weekend I intend on taking my camera out and getting some good pictures.
until then.

Red Guy

Monday, August 17, 2009

A couple more things...

First off, I Want to give credit where credit is due. My best big sister Alley told me to make a blog for being out here and call it something like "Chronicles of the Red Guy" I don't think I could have come up with a better name so i went with it.

Also, I Will be posting pictures as soon as I take some, as of right now all I have are a couple pictures of my Villa, yes you heard (read) that correctly, I live in a Villa. It's sweet.

There can be only one

Red Guy


This is The BEGINNING.

Here you will read/see my adventures in the United Arab Emirates (Middle East). You will see the trouble I get myself into and hopefully how I get myself out of it... I don't know exactly how often i will be posting but I will do my best to keep up with it. then again we all know how I do with that. I have a book called "the things they carried" and i am only 3/4 through it... I've had it for about 3 years. but I promise to be better with this.

There Can Be Only One.

Red Guy