Friday, January 18, 2013

It's Been a While...

So I haven't written anything in a while.  I could blame it on the Holidays, I could blame it on Obama...  Or I could blame it on being lazy and having little to say.  I blame Obama.  But enough about the messiah/villain of the century!

I am just about 3 months away from being a father...  The baby (Jack) is due in April, and the pregnancy has been LONG  but at the same time very short.  I remember finding out that Jenn was "with child" like it was yesterday, I feel like it was yesterday.  With that said, the sleepless nights and mood swings are not entirely "lovely".  She is a delightful woman but when you upset her, she is a tiny weeny bit more sensitive...  Occasionally this translates to anger (I LOVE YOU).  In those situations I have found it is best to say "I'm sorry baby, I love you"  and just let her cool off.  But in general the Pregnancy has been exciting, like crazy excitement.  We get all giddy when we talk about what we are gonna do with the bedroom, or what cool little outfits we will buy him.  We are very excited to be parents and the next 3 months seem like an eternity right now.  But I know they will go by like the snap of your fingers.  I expect that I will be terrified in the Hospital, Jenn will be in more pain than ever and I don't like seeing her in pain and I am also very awkward around emotional women...   I don't know why but I am.

                                                          "Happen this will"

My son is on his way, he is growing and growing, and becoming more of a little person every day.  I can't wait to see what he is like.   I currently have four nephews and each one of them has their own little personality, and they are all hysterical.  My sister even tells me that her youngest is me "Chris, Nate is a little you.."  I know better now than to ask why... "He is a little shit!"  she'd say, he gets into everything, he intentionally defies everything we say and he just simply has your personality.  Well.. If my nephew got that much of me simply though my gene pool...  How much of me will be in MY OWN son?  I cannot wait, because I am going to love that little kid with all my heart.

Things I am scared of...
1)  Diapers - Maybe I am not scared, but I want no part of it.
2)  Hurting my child (physically OR emotionally)
3)  Making parenting mistakes, I am told everyone does, but what if I make a BIG one?
4)  Money.
5)  Bees.  This really has nothing to do with my baby, I am just scared of bees.


1 comment:

  1. Chris, I enjoy reading your blog! What have you been up to? We should catch up. Congratulations on being a father!

    Mike Rudick
