Monday, October 29, 2012

Rock You Like a Hurricane

Hurricanes suck.  I kind of want to just leave it at that, end the post right there.  I suppose it's too late for that now.  Hurricanes are powerful and destructive, they live to mess peoples "stuff" up.  I am using nice words so that anyone can read this blog post!  Anyone that can read that is...  Anyway.  On top of the fact that a hurricane will completely uproot anyone's plans for the day(s), my wife's school canceled, so she is sitting on her "but" watching TV all day.  Meanwhile I am here at work dealing with down servers and irritable co-workers.  And an internet connection that goes out every 5 god forsaken minutes.

Work is 48 miles away and none of those miles are fun to drive.  SILVER LINING - apparently Deval says "all nonessential workers stay home"  which means that about 87% of the cars on the road are parked safely in their driveways, which made the commute into work relatively easy.  I had to keep a slower pace thanks to rain and wind, but overall I got to work WAY faster than a typical day.  The silver lining sucks though considering the worst of the hurricane will hit on my way home.  Why the hell can't I be nonessential, what's so important about hospitals anyway? 

Here are some pictures of Hurricanes that made me happy...

Enjoy the Apocalypse folks. 

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