Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Drive

Lets talk about commutes.  Whether you drive 15 minutes to work or an hour to work the commute sucks.  Personally I drive on average 2 1/2 hours a day.  My morning commute can take me an hour and a half and my evening commute if I'm lucky is about an hour even.  Now here's the thing, If I drive to work at 10 pm, the drive takes me 40 minutes.  just thinking that makes me mad.  I hate traffic, as I am sure you do as well.  Not to mention that the only way my commute can become "steady" or predictable is if I drive over 10 miles out of my way and take back roads.  Sadly for me, and not everyone has to deal with this... I work right off rt 95 in a VERY busy area.  Anyone who has to take rt 95 in the Dedham area will understand this.  Not to mention that the most direct rout for me to take would take me through the rt 24 split and the 95 split.  Its pure frustration in the mornings.  Things that make me EVEN more upset in terms of highway congestion:

1) when you slow down to a crawl and proceed 3 miles at 15 miles per hour only to find that the reason you have just wasted 32 minutes is an accident ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY.  It enrages me.

2) when an exit backs up, you wait patiently for the line of cars to make it off the highway, some Asshat blows to the front of the line and cuts his way in because, "hey why not".  Because I have been waiting for 10 minutes and have at least shred of decency. 

3) When you drive 90 minutes to work and realize that you forgot your laptop at home (that was me yesterday).  The anger you have will only be calmed down by seeing someone else pay for their own selfishness (guy blew by me on the highway doing roughly 90, 2 miles up the road, he is pulled over by a State Trooper).

What is your commute like?  Do you have a long drive?  Or are you lucky like my wife, and only have to drive 10 minutes?  I secretly hate her for that (guess its not a secret anymore).

1 comment:

  1. Or how about when you're backed up for miles,then slowly start moving, and you figure you're going to eventually pass the accident, or the breakdown, or the road construction that caused the backup. But then there's NOTHING! N.O.T.H.I.N.G.!
